Hello everyone!
In the previous devlog we talked about our new Steam page and our recent teaser.
Thanks for 200+ wishlists, it’s been amazing so far! This (& the previous) week we have spent a lot our time writing documents and preparing to take part of a few competitions. We have also spent time networking during the monthly lunch-in. If you are a Patreon member you can see the latest environmental picture for SCP-096.
(Ultra) TL;DR: SCP-096, more floor-textures & documentation.
What progress has been made on the SCP Game?
- Created new human base-model.
- Created SCP-096 model, UV, textures and some animations.
- Created environmental & index image for SCP-096.
- Added ability to toggle camera smoothing (in editor)
What have you done this week?
The last couple of weeks I have, together with Isak, planned a lot for the event we are attending the 28th of February. Lots of discussion about our station on the event, material, and other managing tasks. We also started competing with our bussiness plan/idea to bring home some prices (hopefully) from the event.
I have written a lot of documents.
What is happening next week?
Next week we are working on the game and preparing for a competion.